What’s the plan?

Set all your employees up for success by partnering with them to co-create a workplace plan that considers individual strengths and needs.

Spotlight on.homepage

Feeling frustrated with someone?

When we feel frustrated or angry, it’s often because our needs aren’t being met. Walk through these steps to gain clarity on the source of your anger and address it in a productive way.

Tips to deal with conflict

When you can’t quit your boss

We’ve all had a difficult boss – it can be tricky to navigate the situation. Use these insights and strategies to help you keep your cool and stay productive.

Manage your boss…

Struggling to get out from under work, life or health stressors?

Life is going to throw you curveballs. By using the 4 A’s model (accept, avoid, alter, adapt), you may find you can think more objectively about how to move forward.

Deal with stress head on

What's Happening.homepage

Mindful Campus applications are now open! 

If you’re a post-secondary institution and interested in receiving a financial grant to support campus wellness, you have until July 17, 2024 to apply to Mindful Campuses, a Mindful Employer Canada initiative.    

Apply today!

There’s a new way to find what you need

We know we have a lot of free resources, and we want to make it even easier to find exactly what you need, when you need it. Now you can search by topic or by your specific job role. We have highlighted what we know is most relevant and popular. 

Go back to the top of this page and find the link on the right side to try it out

The Canadian Workplace Well-Being Awards are back! Apply today.

These awards aim to recognize the positive and outstanding initiatives that organizations have made to enhance the well-being of their employees and work environments. We’re proud to be the hallmark sponsor for these awards again this year. This is another way that we support psychological health and safety at work. 

Apply today and learn more about eligibility by visiting the CPPA’s website