Hayley Peek

Mental Health Consultant, Speaker, Peer Supporter


Hayley Peek is a Mental Health Consultant. She is driven by her own personal experiences with mental illness, stigma and recovery. 

She’s worked with a variety of National organizations, including the Canadian Mental Health Association, training managers how to have supportive conversations and support employee mental health. 

In addition Hayley is the co-creator of the ‘Supporting Through Struggle™’ workshop which is an interactive workshop focused on taking a deeper dive into how to have conversations and support someone in struggle. 

Hayley is currently trained in Peer Support, ASIST suicide intervention, non-violent crisis intervention, trauma-informed care and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy. 

She currently specializes in speaking engagements, facilitation and consulting services as well as individual and group peer support. Hayley continues to share her own story about living with mental illness and how to best support this in the workplace. She remains focused on her own self care and how she can use it to reach others who may also be suffering in silence and say to them You’re Not Alone.

Summary of contributions

Self-employed, gig workers and independent professionals have unique stressors that need to be...

Develop a peer support program as part of a psychologically safe workplace. Learn strategies from...

Learn about reaching out for or becoming a peer supporter in the workplace. Peer supporters draw on...