Mental health awareness weekly emails

Increase your mental health awareness in 5 minutes a week with this email series delivered to your inbox. These emails include video clips and practical information about mental health issues.
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You may already be thinking about how you can increase mental health awareness in your workplace with very little time or budget. How about having access year-round to a no-cost approach that takes only minutes each week rather than hours away from work in one-time education sessions?

Subscribe below to the Mental Health Awareness weekly email service, which includes short video clips and practical information related to mental health, delivered to your inbox each week.

Increasing Mental Health Awareness in 5 Minutes a Week

The purpose of this free service is to open dialogue, increase understanding and remove some of the stigma that surrounds mental health issues. Viewing the videos and resources will take, on average, less than five minutes of time each week. The emails are not intended to be sent to specific individuals, but rather to your entire team including, if possible and appropriate, any team members who are away from work on leave.

Begin a workplace dialogue

To help make this even more engaging, consider the information presented in each week's email and use it as an opportunity to share your thoughts or invite your team’s feedback. You receive the email, add your comments and simply forward it to your team.

The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace raises the urgency, as well as the responsibility, for employers and organizations to increase awareness about mental health and mental illness in the workplace. The Mental Health Awareness subscription makes this easy.

The content of the information made available through this service is offered for informational purposes only. Every situation is different and individual circumstances should be considered before making decisions about employment and treatment options. The information is not intended to offer legal, medical, or other professional advice and should not be relied on as such.

Contributors include:Mary Ann Baynton

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