Emotional intelligence and resilience

Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage our own emotions as well as recognize and appropriately respond to the emotions of others. Resilience is the ability to bounce back after a health, personal or work crisis. These skills help us identify effective strategies and resources to draw on when we need them. Learn more about emotional intelligence and resilience

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Building resilience workshop

This workshop can include employees, leaders, those that are self−employed or post−secondary students. You can tailor it to any combination of these groups. Participants engage in a journey of self−discovery while creating a plan to improve their resilience and developing healthy coping strategies for whatever life throws at them. Learn more about  Resilience for teams

Emotional intelligence self-assessment

This free tool can help you improve your self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management. Learn more about the Emotional intelligence self-assessment

Emotional intelligence workshop

This workshop helps participants understand their own emotional triggers, explore the functions of emotions, reflect on when behaviours are a symptom of emotions and respond more effectively to the emotions of others. Learn more about Emotional intelligence for employees.

Name, claim and reframe: Personal stress tools workshop

These workshop materials and personal stress tools can help develop skills to identify and manage responses to everyday stressors. Learn more about Name, claim and reframe.

Plan for resilience: Workplace edition

This free tool can help you improve your self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management. Learn more about Resilience.

From surviving to thriving: Developing personal and academic resilience

Students can move from merely surviving their post-secondary experience to actually thriving. This workbook can help them build resilience and minimize negative impacts from stressful situations. Learn more about Post-secondary student resilience.

Contributors include.articlesMary Ann Baynton

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