Research and reports

Key research and reports.

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Queen's university 2019 pilot program

This is an evaluation of From surviving to thriving: Building personal and academic resilience.

Getting Ahead of the Perfect Legal Storm − 2019

Dr. Martin Shain helps us understand the evolution of workplace mental health laws.

A decade of advancing workplace mental health

Dr. Martin Shain helps us understand the evolution of Canadian workplace mental health policies and strategies from 2007 to 2017.

Weathering the perfect legal storm

This is an analysis of and commentary about the evolving legal landscape related to workplace psychological health and safety.

Weathering the perfect legal storm summary

This is a succinct summary of the full report by the same name.

Tracking the Perfect Legal Storm − 2010

This 2009 paper helped launch the journey to psychological health and safety. Dr. Martin Shain helped us understand how the law was increasingly holding employers responsible for protecting employee mental health.

Contributors include:Mary Ann Baynton

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