Psychologically safe fairness and integrity

Check out these actions and resources for leaders to improve fairness and integrity. Learn to increase trust and transparency.

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Why this matters

Fairness and integrity are core components of psychologically safe leadership. It relates to how employees perceive your personal character and trustworthiness. Communication and decision making must take into account diversity of employee needs, yet be consistently unbiased and respectful.

Strategies relevant to fairness and integrity were drawn from the other domains: communication and collaboration, social Intelligence, security and safety, problem solving and conflict management.  

Here are some benefits of  fairness and integrity in the workplace:

  • Employees are more likely to trust leadership
  • Discrimination is eliminated or reduced
  • Employee issues are resolved effectively
  • Employees are motivated to do their best work
  • Teams are more cohesive and productive 

Suggested actions and resources by statement

1. I know how and when to adapt my communication style to facilitate effective interaction with diverse employee personalities, emotional states, or learning styles.

  • Emotional intelligence for leaders Use the activities provided to improve emotional intelligence related to leading, managing or supporting employees.
  • Communicating with emotional employees These strategies can help you have supportive conversations with employees and avoid triggering negative reactions.
  • Implicit bias Learn to identify and understand implicit bias, microaggressions and intersectionality. Whether the bias results in poor morale or discrimination, identifying it is the first step to eliminating it.

2. I ensure that all employees who report to me have clarity in terms of job expectations and task priorities.

3. Even when I’m not authorized to share information, I communicate as appropriate with employees to address any unnecessary fears or concerns.

  • Seek clarity about the information you can share and when you’ll be able to share the information you’re asked to keep confidential.
  • Discuss any concerns being expressed by your employees with your superiors and ask for guidance in managing their fears.
  • Building trust for leaders Learn how to show your employees you’re trustworthy by exploring these core competencies and behaviours.

4.  I support the accommodation needs (formal or informal) of employees experiencing distress, mental health issues or disabilities.

  • Supporting employee success A process that engages employee and employer to develop solutions that support productivity and well-being. Supporting Employee Success is for any employee, including those needing accommodation.
  • Accommodation strategies Safely support productivity for employees with mental health issues who are at work or returning to work. Engage employees in solutions related to performance and well-being.

5.  I take active steps to create a work environment that is inclusive for everyone and free of stigma and discrimination.

  • Implicit bias Learn to identify and understand implicit bias, microaggressions and intersectionality. Whether the bias results in poor morale or discrimination, identifying it is the first step to eliminating it.
  • Stigma reduction plan How to identify and address potential discrimination and promote inclusivity. Engage your workforce to support psychological safety for all.
  • Discrimination prevention and inclusivity Address discrimination and promote inclusivity through your policies and processes. This creates a positive environment and supports all employees to thrive and succeed.

6.  I notice when an employee is disengaged, and I try to help resolve the challenges they are facing.

  • Supporting employee success A process that engages employee and employer to develop solutions that support productivity and well-being. Supporting Employee Success is for any employee, including those needing accommodation.
  • Identifying employee issues for leaders Support psychological safety by approaching workplace issues in terms of solutions instead of problems.

7.  I have a strong understanding of what makes each of my employees feel appreciated for their efforts.

8.  I recognize efforts and successes in ways that are meaningful to each particular employee.

9.  I am aware of how my stress and frustration can impact others at work.

10. I ensure our team interactions remain inclusive and respectful for all, regardless of current demands, stressors or personal biases.

11. I ensure that all team members demonstrate civility in their workplace interactions.

12. I effectively resolve workplace conflict in a way that preserves the respect and dignity of all participants.

  • Conflict response for leaders The following conflict resolution process provides a guideline and techniques that can be helpful in managing a conflict between co-workers. This can be especially effective when stress or mental health is a factor. This respectful approach focuses on solutions rather than disagreement.

13. I hold members of my team accountable for  inappropriate workplace conduct.

  • Evidence-based actions for psychological protection These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to the organization.
  • Violence prevention Tips for refining or creating effective and enforceable policies to prevent violence in the workplace. These strategies can help you develop and communicate policies for leaders and employees.
  • Harassment and bullying prevention Learn how to develop policy, processes and training to address and eliminate harassment in the workplace. This resource provides practical considerations and strategies for addressing bullying.
  • Implicit bias Learn to identify and understand implicit bias, microaggressions and intersectionality. Whether the bias results in poor morale or discrimination, identifying it is the first step to eliminating it.

14.  Where possible, I communicate with employees on potential decisions and changes that may affect their work.

15. As soon as possible, I inform employees in a clear and positive manner of changes outside of my control that may impact how their work is done.

  • Helping employees to manage change Any organizational change may have an unsettling impact on employees. You can help through thoughtful planning, effective communication, and engaging employees in exploring how changes can be handled in a psychologically safe way.

16. I monitor my team's workload demands on an ongoing basis, and make adjustments as needed.

Contributors include.articlesDr. Joti SamraMary Ann Baynton

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