Dr. Joti Samra

R.Psych., CEO and Founder, MyWorkplaceHealth and Clinic Founder of Dr. Joti Samra, R.Psych & Associates

Dr. Samra is a national thought leader on issues relating to psychological health, wellness and resilience, and a highly regarded expert in psychological health and safety. She is CEO and Founder of MyWorkplaceHealth, a full-suite national workplace consulting firm consisting of CSA National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (CAN/CSA-Z1003-13/BNQ9700-803/2013), industry experts with extensive expertise in helping organizations implement initiatives related to workplace PH&S, and Dr. Joti Samra, R.Psych & Associates, an expanding in-office and virtual health clinical and counselling practice with offices located throughout BC.

Summary of contributions

Implement these actions and responses with a minimal investment of resources or cost to the...

Check out these actions and resources for leaders to improve communication and collaboration. Learn...

A framework to help your organization prevent discrimination, harassment, bullying, trauma, burnout...

Questions to help leaders develop a psychologically safe organizational culture...

This free suite of resources helps organizations and leaders assess and improve psychological...

Psychological health means being able to think, feel and behave in a way where we can effectively...

A guide to use the free resources offered to assess and address psychological health and safety...

Improve your ability to understand others’ emotions and reactions and respond in a supportive...

Improve your ability to communicate in an assertive, respectful, and non-defensive manner. This is...

This includes how to make the business case, get buy-in, communicate your plan, and choose your...

Learn to lead a team discussion to address psychological protection in the workplace. This resource...

Lead a team discussion to address psychological competencies and demands in your workplace. This...

Learn how to lead a team discussion to address psychological and social support at work. This...

Learn how to lead a team discussion to address organizational culture at work. This resource...

Suggested actions are based on research or practice that can help mitigate the risk of psychosocial...

Check out these actions and resources for leaders to improve social intelligence. Learn how to lead...

Check out these actions and resources for leaders to improve problem solving and conflict...

Support all leaders to ensure a psychologically safe work environment for employees. There are free...

This free resource helps leaders become aware of the impact they can have on the psychological...

Learn how the Psychologically Safe Leader Assessment (PSLA) helps you align with the National...

Check out these actions and resources for leaders to improve fairness and integrity. Learn to...

This framework provides policy recommendations for potential impacts on psychological health and...

Use these resources and strategies to set a baseline and develop a plan to create and maintain a...

On the agenda offers free materials and facilitator tools to address psychosocial factors. Create...

The background of Guarding Minds at Work includes the history dating back to before its launch in...

Learn about Guarding Minds and how to use it to take action on psychological health and safety at...

Below, we've included statements from the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey. They are grouped...

The organizational review asks similar questions to the employee survey but is for senior...

Share why and how you’re addressing psychological health and safety (PHS) at work. This can...

You can put these actions and responses in place with few resources and minimal cost to the...

You can implement these actions and responses with few resources and limited cost to the...

Implement these actions and responses with minimal cost to the organization...

Implement these actions and responses at low or no cost to the organization...

Implement these actions and responses at low or no cost to the organization...

Put these actions and responses in place with little to no cost to the organization...

These actions and responses can be put in place with only a minimal investment of resources or cost...

Use the activities provided to improve emotional intelligence related to leading, managing or...

Background, bibliography and methodology for the development of the free Emotional intelligence...

It’s likely that at some point managers will need to discuss difficult topics with employees...

Learn to describe your emotions based on their level of intensity. This can improve...

Setting healthy boundaries helps support mental well-being. It includes prioritizing adequate...

A variety of activities are provided to help leaders strengthen their skills in the areas of...

A leader’s guide for team-building activities that develop resilience, emotional intelligence...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve workload management in the...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve balance in the workplace. This...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address recognition and reward in the workplace. This...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address physical safety in the workplace. This...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve growth and development in the...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve engagement in the workplace. This...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve civility and respect in the...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve involvement and influence in the...

Learn how to facilitate a team discussion to address and improve leadership and expectations in the...

Learn how to use appreciative inquiry in your role as a leader, manager or supervisor...

These free workshop materials help show how behaviours might be interpreted as bullying, regardless...

Listening is an important communication skill that becomes even more critical when you're listening...

When people are told their opinions are wrong, they’re likely to become defensive or shut...

Learn how to express respect and appreciation to your employees...

Check out these actions and resources for leaders to improve security and safety. Learn how to...

Create an action plan for improving psychologically safe leadership strategies. There are free...

These actions help hold employees accountable to work together in inclusive ways. They do not cost...

Strategies for supporting employees when a co-worker has died by or attempted suicide. This...

Our own emotions, including frustration, guilt or pity can impact our ability to respond to someone...

Learn to respond more effectively when you’re angry...

Improve your ability to effectively regulate stress and appropriately express emotional reactions,...

Improve your ability to accurately identify your emotions, understand why you react the way you do,...

It can seem daunting to prioritize and choose those evidence-based actions most likely to improve...

The Stress satisfaction scan is a 6-item employee questionnaire that indicates to what extent your...

Each of the statements included in the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey are grouped by...

Understand and analyze your Guarding Minds at Work report so that you can recommend an effective...

Each of the statements included in the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey are available for...

Learn to manage difficult or troubling thoughts so they don’t dictate your mood or reactions...

Learn how to seek employee feedback in a productive and psychologically safe way...

Tips for evaluating and adjusting a psychological health and safety management system. These...

Tips and strategies to effectively give positive feedback...

Learn to understand the emotion, so you’re better positioned to deal with sadness in yourself...

Learn to understand the emotion, so you’re better positioned to deal with guilt in yourself...

Learn to understand the emotion, so you’re better positioned to deal with shame in yourself...

Learn to understand the emotion, so you’re better positioned to deal with anger in yourself...

Learn to understand the emotion, so you’re better positioned to deal with fear in yourself...

When we recognize that all human behaviour is an attempt to meet a perceived or actual need, we can...

This team-building activity engages the team in reviewing past stressful work situations so...

Sleep deprivation is one of the most commonly reported areas of dissatisfaction for many working...

Learn how Canada became the first country to have a national standard for psychological health and...

A team building activity about articulating core values to identify goals and understand...

This team activity explores how expressing anger constructively may be the best way to minimize...

This activity helps us understand our own emotional triggers in order to choose an effective...

When you can describe the best version of yourself, you’ll be able to reach your goals more...

Unless we agree with everything that others say or do, confrontation is inevitable. When...

Learn how to manage your reactions to stress and protect your well-being...

This 2-part team-building activity engages the team in developing a process to respectfully hold...

Accountability within a team helps foster trusting, safe, and cohesive relationships. But holding...

Learn to build, maintain and deepen any relationship for a stronger connection...

Psychological injury can happen as a result of severe stress or trauma. There are approaches to...

Select statements from the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey were identified by the...

Select statements from the Guarding Minds at Work employee survey were identified by the...

Questions related to copyright, customization and functionality of Guarding Minds at Work are...

These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to...

These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to...

These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to...

These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to...

These actions and responses can be implemented with a minimal investment of resources or cost to


These questions can help you to open up a conversation that can foster and improve psychological...

By challenging angry thoughts, you can cut through the emotion to get to whatever needs to be...

Anger is a reaction to a perceived or an actual injustice. Sometimes we react with behaviours that...

We associate our emotions – positive or negative – with the ways we think about...

Review the pros and cons of asking demographic questions in your Guarding Minds at Work employee...

When we’re triggered, our reactions may be difficult for us and others to handle. Learn how...

This activity assists team members in developing constructive and...

When we express judgment and criticism we may shut down any chance of an open and honest...

Tips and strategies to communicate when someone is emotional...

Free activities to increase your ability to manage your reactions and control how you impact...

This team-building activity helps team members think about and articulate the strengths that others...

This team-building activity encourages employees to reflect on past challenges and share coping...

Strategies that can help you provide negative feedback in a respectful, helpful and effective...

This team activity allows team members to think about their interaction styles when under stress...

Use these resources to discuss psychological health and safety policies and strategies with...

This free tool can help you improve your self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and...

This team activity helps team members to learn how to interpret feedback accurately by focusing on...

A variety of approaches that could help you to reduce your overall stress level...

Preview the leadership strategies contained in the Psychologically Safe Leader Assessment...

Preview the content and list of statements contained in the Psychologically safe leader employee...

Learn to write an email to avoid misunderstandings...

This activity allows team members to examine different ranges of emotional responses and what...

This team activity examines situations where anger is a symptom of an underlying emotion like guilt...

This group activity reminds team members that reducing tension in the face and body can reduce the...

The way we think events – past, present or future – affects our stress levels. Most of...

Researchers have shown the simple act of positioning your face into a (natural) half smile can lift...

Learn to see the value of emotions so they can help you to learn and grow...

Effective communication isn’t limited to the words we say. Our non-verbal communication...

Dealing with negative emotions in the workplace can be one of a manager’s greatest...

While automatic thoughts may seem inconsequential, they can actually play a very important role in...

A team building activity about improving effectiveness and reducing negative emotions in the...

Bottling up emotions can harm our physical and mental health and damage our relationships. Learn to...

Most of us find it difficult to receive negative feedback. We may feel criticized, judged or...

Whether we’re talking about our own behaviours or someone else’s, we’re likely to...

Explore why others might perceive you differently from how you describe yourself...

One of the most effective, immediate strategies for regulating your mood in the moment is to work...

This team-building activity helps build effective problem-solving skills to reduce the stress that...

Learn the simple exercise of Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) to help reduce and prevent muscle...

Before reacting to someone’s behaviour, take a moment to consider what might be motivating...

Your mood affects others, whether you wish it to or not. Strengthen your relationships by...

Gaining insight into why and when your emotions go up or down can be an important first step to...

Understanding why you use assertive, aggressive, passive and passive-aggressive communication...

This is a free, evidence-based online emotional intelligence assessment...